Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Baby news!

We'll start with the bad news and we'll end with all of the good news!

So, the bad news is that I just keep getting bigger...and I have not yet met a woman that enjoys gaining weight. It wouldn't be so bad if my ligaments didn't have to stretch, because that is anything but comfortable...in fact I think it's quite painful.

To start off the good news...Jerem got to feel the baby move for the first time last Saturday! It was really exciting!

I am now half way through the pregnancy!!! YAY!!! Now if it could just go by a little faster...that would be fantastic.

AND...the good news just keeps coming, because something really exciting happened yesterday! Amy & Tyler Cheatwood had their baby! It's a baby boy, and his name is Edgar Mordecai Cheatwood. (He will go by Mordecai) He decided to make his appearance into the world at 1:38 pm and came out weighing 6 lbs 5 oz and is 19 inches long. Isn't he just the cutest thing?!? Congratulations to Amy & Tyler! You guys will make awesome parents!

Amy looks a little tired in this picture...but she truly does look amazing for just having a baby!

What a precious baby....Jerem and I have so much to look forward to in four months! Let the adventures begin!

Friday, February 4, 2011

To my unborn child...

Dear Baby Bean -

So far you've made me throw up more times than I can count.

I miss all my favorite foods...but I've learned to embrace watermelon.

I've also discovered the art of crying over absolutely nothing.

I've never been a worse cook or housekeeper in my entire life, however your father still seems to love me anyways.

But regardless of all the sickness and emotions, I still like you. Probably even love you. Yeah ok...I do love you.

There are times when I lay in bed awake at night, trying to imagine what kind of a person you'll turn out to be. Will I be a good mom?...cause I have some serious doubts on that account. Will I love you enough?...sometimes when I'm leaning over the toilet in agony I think to myself, that if this isn't love, then I don't know what is. But in the end....what makes a good parent? If you could find some way to answer this for me before you decide to make your enterance into the world, then that would be convenient.

It's ok that you'll keep me up all hours of the night, make messes all day long, and ask me to help you with all of your homework. Just know that I'll make my fair share of mistakes and probably even make you mad at times...but no matter what happens, always know that I love you more than anything!


Thursday, April 29, 2010


So, I finally figured out why I couldn't sign in to my account...apparently I was using the wrong sign in name! Yeah....that would be an issue. No one ever said that I was good with computers! I haven't written a blog in almost a year! So much has changed, I know I won't be able to update everyone on all of it. I noticed that my last blog was about our family, so I will start there. We still have no kids, that will come eventually. Peaches turned 1 on March 30th and she is a lot bigger than she looks in the previous pictures! She is such a funny cat! So much personality, and we love her to death! We still have Diego, who loves spending time out of his cage and playing with the cat. Unfortunately, Pip got very sick last December and we had to put her to sleep on December 17th. I had a really hard time with that, I miss her a lot. So for now it's just the 4 of us!

We just bought a condo out in Eagle Mountain and we've only been living there for less than a week! We love it! I'm sick of unpacking though, the boxes are never ending. It's a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom condo and it has a really big front room! It's so nice! We've met a cool couple that are living on the other side of the wall from us. They are so nice! I'm excited to have some friends that live less than a minute away! I'm sure we'll be posting pictures of our home as soon as it looks a little more presentable. We even have some pictures from when it was still being built!
We'll also post some more pictures of the pets. I have a really cute picture of Peaches with her birthday hat on! lol...she wasn't very fond of it...but she looked cute!

I hope to be able to keep people updated on what is happening in life more often. Now that I know how to sign on to this thing I should be able to. I hope that all is going well with everyone! We keep you all in our prayers!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Our Little Family

Jerem and I are getting ready to celebrate our 1 year anniversary tomorrow!!! It's been a great year and we've had a lot of fun! I decided that I would write a blog to tell you our little family, since after all they are the little ones that we spend all our time with at home. We have 2 ferrets, Pip and Diego. Jeremy wasn't really sure what to think of them in the beginning because he wasn't use to them. I think he's warmed up to them though and loves them like I do. They're very entertaining and have given us lots of laughs over the year. Pip is our white ferret, she's a very small ferret and probably weighs just under a pound. Diego is our brown ferret...who is not so small...lol and he likes to use it to his advantage! The ferrets enjoy playing with one another and LOVE it when they get to come out of their cage! And then there's the new addition to our family! PEACHES!!!
Peaches is my 1 year anniversary gift! I have always wanted a kitten and my wish came true! She is such a sweetheart! She is very energetic and loves to play! It's so entertaining to watch the different things she'll do. Peaches was born on March 30, 2009 making her almost 7 weeks old. She's a little bit of a scared cat but she's gotten a little better as she's been warming up to her new home! I love Peaches!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Priceless Plasma...

--September 2, 2008--

It's pretty much just a known fact that couples that are "newly married" are poor...it's inevitable. So try as you may...it's going to happen...one minute you're on top of the world, and the next you're doing everything just to keep your head above water. In the fall of 2008 I was working 1 full time job with 2 part time jobs on the side. Jeremy was currently unemployed and applying for just about every job that showed up on 'Yahoo Hot Jobs'. Making ends meet was proving to be difficult and so I began to think of other ways that I could bring in a little extra change. I remembered a time that I donated plasma up in Salt Lake a few years back. They didn't pay much, but it was something. I searched for a plasma center here in Utah County and found one that wasn't too far from home. It was a done deal! I'd be going there on my next day off...

(September 2, 2008....my day off)
So I got up and got ready for the day, just like any other day, nothing special. I wasn't looking forward to the wait at the plasma center because there was a lot of paperwork to fill out. I made sure to eat a good breakfast just as they had asked me to and I drove up to the center. After finally finishing the paperwork and waiting for a while, I was called back to have a simple physical done just so that they could look me over and make sure that I was ready to donate. By this point in time I had been at the center for nearly 2 hours and they gave me a cup of noodles to eat before going in...just to make sure that I had enough in me. And then I went back to donate...

Donating wasn't too bad...it was cold in the back room and I wasn't as comfortable as I would've liked to have been, but I lived with it. It lasted about an hour, maybe a little longer, and then it was all over. They had me sit in the seat for about 10 minutes before going anywhere, and then I got my payment and I was on my way. While walking out to my car I called Jeremy (who was at home doing homework) to let him know that I was done and I was on my way home. When I got out to my car I started to feel a little nauseated, so I sat in my car for a minute before driving anywhere and just talked with Jeremy. I didn't get more than a block away from the plasma center before I was almost positive that I was going to puke and I needed to pull over. I told Jeremy that I was pulling over at the Burger King and he told me to wait there and he'd be there to get me.

In an attempt to keep my dignity I pulled to the very back of the parking lot so that I could just open my door and throw up out the side. As I sat there with my head hanging out of my door I realized that this would just not do...and I needed to go in the Burger King and visit their bathroom. I'm sure that everyone has experienced what it's like to have a really upset stomach and not know whether they're going to throw up or totally empty their guts out their "other end". I HAD to go inside! So I made my journey from the back of the parking lot up to their entrance and went inside. I was so exhausted...I had to stop and gather myself and take a breath or two. So I leaned against the window to take a break...

Next thing I know I'm opening my eyes and I'm confused. I'm staring at a ceiling and I can hear some voices in the background. After I realized what had happened the first thing I thought was, 'I hope I didn't just crap myself!'. I felt mangled and sore and I felt like I couldn't move. I began to call for help and after calling a couple of times I heard someone in the background yell that 'a girl is on the floor back there!'. People came rushing to my side trying to figure out what had happened. I told them that I wasn't feeling well and that I had just donated plasma. One of the workers there was on the line with 911 and I kept going in and out. I don't remember much of what happened after people found me. My phone rang and someone else answered it. It was Jeremy trying to figure out if I was ok because he had just pulled in the parking lot about the same time that the ambulance arrived. I remember very little of what happened at the Burger King after that.

When I woke up again I was laying in an ambulance that was taking me to the Timpanogos Regional Hospital. I was scared because I didn't see Jeremy with me, but the man that was riding with me told me that he was following us in the car. I felt really tired and out of it and it seemed like I kept falling asleep. When we got to the emergency room they put in an IV and started me on some fluids. I called my mom and told her what had happened and she showed up not too long afterwards. We probably spent just over an hour in the emergency room before they discharged me to go home. My mom followed us to the house and then took Jeremy to go pick up my car that was still at the Burger King.

I spent the rest of the day in bed sick. Every time I moved I thought I was going to throw up. Needless to say I was banned from donating plasma (by Jeremy of course) and the small amount of money that I did get from donating was nothing compared to the bills that came from it!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Our Story

Hello everyone!

I've never had a blog website before so this is all pretty new to me. I thought it would be exciting to have a page that family members can see to get updates on what's going on in our little family. So I guess there's quite a bit to update since we've been married nearly a year now!

Jeremy and I have been good friends for the last 7 years. We spent a lot of time together in high school. We liked to go for road trips (both long distance and just up in the mountains), and spent a lot of time at our houses just talking and enjoying each other's company. Jeremy received his mission call in the spring of 2005 to serve in the Manchester, New Hampshire mission. He left for the MTC on May 18, 2005, which was the same day that I moved out of my parents house to Salt Lake City. He served the whole 2 years of his mission in Maine and Vermont and loved it! We wrote to each other on a weekly basis (at least most of the time) and time really dragged....at least for me.

Jeremy came home from his mission in May of 2007 and we dated for a while starting in August. It didn't last long....we broke up...lol. Our friendship continued and we saw each other when time permitted. He stayed really busy with school and working at Mstar and I was currently working at UVRMC. Later that fall I decided that I wanted to go on a mission so I got everything ready to hand in and then because of a medical problem I ended up having to wait until the following spring before I could submit them. Jeremy was very supportive of me going on a mission. I received my mission call!!! I was called to serve in the Carlsbad, California mission and I was to report to the MTC on April 16, 2008! I was very excited...and really nervous all at the same time. Then there was a big change in events....

On February 18, 2008, Jeremy and I went for a road trip to Wendover, Nevada. This was going to be our last full day together before I left on my mission. Between school and work we knew that time was going to be short after that. So we spent a lot of time exploring (as usual) and took mostly back roads on the way there. It was a beautiful day! We had a lot of fun. We got to Wendover and stopped at an Arby's to get something to eat...it stunk SO bad inside!!! SMOKE EVERYWHERE! So we ate in the car. On the drive home we kept talking just about anything and everything that came up in conversation. When we got about half way home Jeremy stopped talking and it seemed really quiet for a while. He looked kind of sad and distracted. I asked what was wrong and he just said that he would miss me and it would be a little weird when I leave. Somewhere in the back of my mind I thought that I should tell him that I loved him and that if he really wanted me to that I would stay for him. I tried to ignore the thought because it sounded ridiculous but it just kept coming back. So...very reluctantly I turned to him and told him that I loved him....and that I would stay if he wanted me to. I was very surprised when I didn't get an immediate response...I thought that he would jump on it and tell me that I really needed to go but he just sat there....and then he started talking about bills!!!!! And it's been the same ever since.....lol JK! We talked about what would happen if I did stay and how we would "survive". We didn't talk much about it after that and went to Temple Square to walk around.

After our long day together we went home and sat outside Aunt Camille's house and talked a little bit. After about 20 minutes we felt weird still sitting outside the house and decided to drive up the hill to where you could look over the city lights. It was there that he asked me if I would stay home to be with him rather than go on my mission. Of course I said YES! I called my parents to see if they were still awake and then we drove to Heber to tell them. After we got there they told us that they already knew what we were going to tell them...and of course they were ok with it. We got back to Lindon pretty late and I had to work the next day so I ended up staying on a friends couch. The next evening we went up to Jeremy's parents house to tell them the news. I was sooo nervous...but after we told everyone they were all happy for us and supportive. We decided to get married on May 17th....just shy of 3 months. I thought Jeremy's mom was going to die when she found out...so much to do and so little time. The next 3 months were chaotic and for the most part I try to just not think about them lol.

Jeremy and I were married in the Mount Timpanogos Temple on May 17, 2008. It was a hot day...and I was glad because it was just the week before the wedding that it was raining and snowing and very cold...and our reception took place in Grandma Joan's backyard. It was so pretty! I couldn't have asked for anything more! It was wonderful! Our car got trashed!!! It took a while to clean out but the worst of it was that my brother-in-law (Richard) put rice powder in our vents!!!! (And some of it is still there today...)

We went on a road trip for our honeymoon to southern California. I loved the weather down there! We had the opportunity to go to the San Diego Zoo, Sea World, and The Wild Animal Park. It was SO much fun! On our way home we stayed a night in San Fransisco in a very expensive hotel....it was so fancy!...so overpriced! We left the next morning and started heading home because I was beginning to feel a little home sick. We stayed one more night in Reno, Nevada and then made it home the next day. Our honeymoon was so much fun....I wish I could do it all over again!

It is now May 6, 2009 and we're quickly approaching our 1 year anniversary! So much has happened in this year that I'll have to save some stories for another blog. We've loved being married...I wouldn't trade it for anything! I know that this is the way that its meant to be. I can't wait until it's time for us to start our own family, but for now we're staying busy with work and school.